
Monday, April 30, 2012

Closed Window, Opened Door

The fact that I am even writing a blog about my upcoming summer in Mexico is simply incredible.  Let me share briefly the story of how this whole opportunity came about. 

As part of my Spanish degree, I am supposed to spend a semester studying in a Spanish-speaking country.  Early in the fall I explored several possibilities, including going to Spain or Peru, however none of these opportunities seemed to pan out.  Then God opened a door, an opportunity to work with a Wycliffe translator in Guatemala. Over the next several months an opportunity opened up and it appeared to be a wonderful opportunity.  Unfortunately plans did not seem to be moving forward at all.  

Late in February God closed the window. It seemed that God had let me look through a window at this wonderful opportunity and then slammed it shut as soon as I began to plan.  During that time, I was confused and upset at God. It seemed that everything had been perfect and then God had taken that opportunity away and left me with nothing.  For the next several weeks I wrestled with God, trying to understand his purpose in shattering my summer plans.  Of course, I was even arrogant enough to try and fully comprehend the ways of the Creator of the Universe and in my heart challenged whether or not he had my best interests at heart. 

As my flesh continued to argue with the Lord, he remained faithful.  Isn't that so beautiful? As I was off being a rebellious, faithless child, my Daddy in heaven stay true and faithful. 

Then,  not because I deserved it or because I had earned it the Lord, in his perfect timing, presented not one but 3 opportunities to serve in Mexico. My name and information was sent out among missionaries who had attended a conference in Denver and within a few days many of them contacted me. From there, I began to dialogue with several couples and with a week it became abundantly clear where God would have me this summer. 

A woman named Barbara Baker, a Liberty alumnus, invited me to come and live with her family this summer and help with their church planting ministry in Pachuca, Mexico. 

Only about 3 weeks had passed between the time that I had given up hope and when I bought my plane ticket.  Our God is incredible! I feel I cannot express that enough!

Psalm 66:1-3 only begins to express my elation:
     "Shout for joy to God, all the Earth;
      sing the glory of his name;
      give to him glorious praise!
      Say to God "How awesome are your deeds!"

My God is faithful, even when I am faithless. And I realized that the Lord wasn't punishing me when he closed that window of opportunity, he was asking me to be faithful.  To be faithful through the thick and the thin. Faithful even when I did not understand his plan. Faithful, not in the plans I had made but instead faithful in the Heavenly Father who had provided the opportunity. 

Thank you for you prayers and your support!