
Monday, May 28, 2012

I went to a store called Athlete's Foot and found rip off TOMS

Friday afternoon I went to another missionary couple's house, Mark and Angélica, to help a little with their kids English class.  There were 5 of the most precious little girls that God ever created.  They over furniture and it was adorable to see how excited they were. For a test!  I don't know about you but I can't think of the last time I was genuinely jumping up and down with excitement to take a test!

The best part by far was trying to explain the word loveseat.  In Spanish the word for couch,  loveseat, and chair is the same, sillón, but obviously English specifies which is what type of seat.  It was so funny trying to explain that a loveseat actually has nothing to do with love.  But after the innocent and consequently comedic discussion that followed I know none of those girls will forget the word loveseat again.

Friday night we had an English fiesta! Which is a fun way of saying that we played a bunch of games in English at the church while various levels English speakers tried to understand one another. Basically a regular sitcom.  By far the best part of the people here learning English is the people who unabashedly make mistakes...hilarious ones too. It was a blast.

Saturday morning was the grand opening of English classes.  We had 8-9 students total, which considering it was only advertised by word of mouth was a great turnout! My students are so wonderful and are truly eager to learn and too teach me along the way. That is the part that surprises me the most, the hunger to learn.  Whether it is only a word here and there, for those who want to learn, they will.

  I am going to be teaching a kids class on Wednesday nights during the women's Bible study and possibly another time for classes during the week for those who can't come on Saturdays.

After classes me and the Bakers went to the mall nearby.  Two things surprised me about the mall.  1. You have to pay for parking, everywhere.  And of course there is nothing I dislike more that paying for parking.  2.  There are these mini-McDonals huts everywhere! They only serve desserts but there are like 4 in the mall in addition to the full one in the food court.
Look at the McDonalds hut! They only serve desserts!
 I think Liberty needs a few of these are campus.

Does this conjure images of comfortable tennis shoes?
Probably not!
I had to share this because it is was so funny.
Mexican women love their high heels!
 So I tried a pair...apparently I'll never be a true Mexican.

Ummm...TOMS rip off?

I think yes! Even the tag on the back is the same!

After my mall excursion, I went to the youth Bible study.  Now it is one thing to listen intently to understand one person in a quiet setting but I must say my comprehension level dropped dramatically as soon as I was put in a room full of boisterous, lively college students.  I definitely had moments when, for the purpose of self-preservation, my brain shut itself off which of course were always the worst moments because it was then that I would hear my name and realize that now everyone has earned the right to laugh at me because I no clue what is going on!  But I am so thankful they laugh,  If my lack of understanding brings joy then God surely put me in the right place.

Truly, I am so thankful for their patience.  A few of us, before it got too loud and crazy,  sat around the kitchen table and we got to know each other a bit better.  They even asked me to teach them things in English.  For those who do know English, even just a little, they try and use their few stock phrases with me and it really is heart-warming.

I never realized how much your native language is a part of your identity.  It is difficult and even frustrating when you feel like people will never fully know you because you lack the ability to fully express yourself in another language. Even when I understand them, so many of my thoughts and jokes are colloquialisms in English and therefore do not carry the same meaning in Spanish.

 It makes me even more thankful that the one thing that truly brings us together, despite language and cultural differences, is Christ.  His love for us and the mutual humility, love and acceptance we can all feel despite our differences.  How our differences are minimized in comparison with the love that Christ has for all of us.  One God, one cross, relationship with the same person.  At times when I feel alone,  I dwell on that fact.  In the shadow of the cross, none of us are truly that different.  We are loved by one God, and nothing can separate us form his love.

"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

Thank you for your prayers!

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