
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Not by chance, but with a purpose

I am always amazed at how God works.  I mean for one, that the world even works at all.  How vastly complicated, intricate and detailed our world is and yet he knows, understands and created every part of it.  There is not one situation beyond his grasp, beyond his control.  What astounds me further is how it all works together to glorify Him. To raise God above all others, this is where he belongs. 

Our Church neighborhood
On Sunday Alejandro, the groom, ran into his aunt and uncle while picking up some relatives. He invited them to church, so they came.  His aunt attends church regularly but his uncle does not.  Oh, did I mention that they had no clue that Alejandro was getting married that day? So they stayed for the wedding and then the reception. Then sat next to me and Barbara at dinner. We invited them to English classes and they said they would be there (as most people do).

Tuesday night, the first of our Tuesday classes, and only two students showed up. But it was Esparanza and Elesis, the aunt and uncle. We had a laugh learning, playing games, and trying to get Esparanza to properly pronounce the word “would.”  But the best part of the evening was when the classes were over. Elesis began opening-up about why he didn’t like going to church and even told Jonathan “I feel like I can trust you.”  Wednesday night, Esparanza came to the women’s Bible study and Elesis went out to coffee with Jonathan.
Esparanza and Elesis
God’s fingerprints are all over that story. If I was any good at math I would try and calculate the probability of all of that actually occurring and I’m sure the number would be astronomical. But the point is God doesn’t leave anything up to chance. He uses our abilities and strengths to draw people to himself. We really are hands and feet. And if my only purpose was to be the hand that wrote words on a whiteboard during an English class and consequently allowed people to be in a place where they felt safe and could express a need for God then I am more than content with that.

This of course is just one of many stories. And more are being written every single day.

Please continue to pray for the English program. Not only for it to grow but also to be more and more effective. Pray for the evangelism and discipleship which will hopefully result from the friendships in the English classes. 

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