
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pictures and Prayer

I don't have any profound thoughts for stories to share today. I just wanted to post some of the random pictures during my time here that haven't pertained to any of my previous posts! Enjoy!

Political Campaign--Mexico is electing a new President on July 1

They even have Curves here! 

My favorite cereal--it tastes just as good in Mexico

Flowers at the market

Cross at a Franciscan Monastery--one of the first settled in Mexico

At the market--this is just the entrance, what you don't see it that
the market is several blocks long and wide. It's amazing!

My beautiful friend Priscila!

A sign outside of the Cathedral at Real del Monte
It reads: Be silent and recognize this place is holy grounds.

Scaring pigeons is fun in any country

I found my mango! He's no a very lively guy but he's buff and
makes good money mining! ;)

Beautiful view of Real del Monte

These are rings made out of paper clips! 

English Cemetery at Real del Monte
It was like being in England 200 years ago

Okay, this dog is wearing a sweater! He was fun cute!

Yep, that tire is indeed the being used as the basketball hoop.
Gotta give 'em credit for ingenuity!

We were supposed to be miners.
Well I'm a miner and Priscila seems to be a Viking.

Jovenes (youth group) playing card games.

Mr Crabs. 

This is indeed a frozen yogurt place. Just like all of the other ones.

Krispy Kreme! It was probably the best donut I've ever had in my entire life!

Me teaching a Tuesday night class.
Trying to teach them the difference in pronouncing tooth and flood
Do you know why they're pronounced differently?.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers.  Continue to pray that the English classes would grow and God would continue to draw people into the church through our classes.  Pray for the team from Indiana coming on Saturday, their safety while travelling and during construction.  Also for our English Olympics next week! Pray we would have great attendance it would be an effective outreach.

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