
Friday, July 20, 2012

The big transition

To be honest this is by far the most difficult post I've had to write. I left early Sunday morning and that was the end of my Mexican adventure. Bittersweet is truly such an inadequate word.

It is really difficult to find words to describe my time in Pachuca. It was fun, challenging, exhausting, straining, wonderful and rewarding.  Of course the question I get most often is "How was it?" I must admit this is a truly inadequate and frustrating question for me to answer. There is no short concise way to describe what I saw, what I did, more importantly what God did and what He did in me.

In all honesty, it feels like I took a really long, vivid, and eventful dream for two months and I'm just now waking up. It feels surreal because I transitioned so quickly from living in Mexico to usual life in Colorado. One day I was at a market at Tulancingo and just a few short hours later I was in the mountains of Colorado. Moving that quickly from one environment is disorienting and rather overwhelming. However I am really thankful for the support of my family and friends. I am also very thankful to be home and spend some time with my family before I return for school.

Of course I miss my Mexican family and I am so thankful for my time with them in Pachuca.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers throughout my entire trip and even as I readjust to life in the U.S. again. Your prayers, although unseen, mean more to me than I can express. In moments of loneliness and sadness and even in times of joy, it was a comfort to know that I had a team of people praying for me and thinking of me.

Remember that even though I am no longer in Mexico there work is still not done there and there is still immense need there. Pray for El Buen Pastor, the church I worked in, and for the congregation there. Pray they will grow in their faith and as a result bring more people into the church.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Krista
    Enjoyed your blog. Now its back to school.
    Look up our niece there at Liberty, She is just starting as a freshman. Her name is Megan Davis'
    Thanks again for your blog.
    Jon and Glenna Thiessen
