
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Simple Prayer on Father's Day

Father's Day might seem like an odd  day to write about Machismo here in Mexico however I find there is something particularly appropriate about sharing some of my own observations on the subject. Machismo is complicated and deeply embedded in the culture however I will not pretend that my four week in country have made me some kind of expert on the Mexican culture or the role of machismo in the culture.
America, just one of the beautiful children
who needs prayer.
Machismo represents the strong masculine pride in men but especially husbands and fathers.  Men are head of the family and they make the decisions and bring home the bacon. Sounds perfect, right? Unfortunately machismo also means that men are served by their wife and children and that often he is not held responsible for his actions.  It is not uncommon for men to cheat on their wives nor is it surprising when a man gets bored and then starts a family with another woman.  There is no such thing as child support in Mexico and if a man decides to leave his family there is nothing to stop him and nothing to make him come back.

In a culture were cheating and indiscretion are expected and men are considered "more desirable" if they have multiple families, Father's Day can be a day of longing and heartache, especially for children. It is difficult when you look around and see that apart from the church leaders there are few present fathers.  Although I believe that machismo greatly contributes to this cycle of brokenness I do not believe that this is the time to blame Mexican culture for this lack of fathers. Culture is not to blame. If it were culture then Christians could easily be great fathers because we are told in Romans 12:2 "do not conform any longer to the ways of this world."  If the world is to blame then we should have no problem because we are no longer apart of this world.

Some of the kids in the church
The truth is that the problem is much closer to home. Sin, our sin is to blame. It is the sins of pride, and selfishness that make poor fathers out of even the "most Christian" of men.  I wish I could even begin to describe how many people in Mexico are burdened and struggle because they were never guided by a godly father. How many mothers grieve over the reality that she is a single mother and her children will never know the love of an earthly father. These same men claim the name of Christ and attend mass or church services when they feel like it.

Being a father requires daily diligence and constant love. Even though I am not a father or even a parent I know the kind of effort it must require because I know my own heart and my own sin.  I am blessed with a great father. My father is the most loving, caring, generous, diligent man I have ever known. He works harder than I could ever imagine to provide for me, my siblings and my mother. But I also know these things are not of the flesh but are of the Spirit. My father works daily to demonstrate fruits of the Spirit and in doing so has blessed me beyond measure with his love and caring.

Some of the youth, all with a different story
and different heartache
But on a day like today when I am far from my own father and I am surrounded by many people who have little earthly father to speak of I am reminded that I have a Heavenly Father who loves my dearly and perfectly. No matter how absent or how wonderful our earthly fathers are none can compare to God the Father.  Too few people understand the love and blessing of our Heavenly Father.

That is my prayer, plain and simple, for people to know and understand the height, depth and wonder of God's love.

 Please pray for the men in the church that they will be dependable godly men for their families and will teach their sons and men around them to do the same. Please pray for the numerous broken homes, families and lives here in Mexico and pray that God will heal their hearts and no matter their background would seek God the Father and turn to his unconditional love.

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