
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Worth the money?

Me, Josiah and Abi making cookies for the team!
Since I was 14 I have had the privilege of participating in short term mission trips around the U.S. and throughout the world.  I have seen physical poverty in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina as well as in the Amazon Jungle of Peru. I have also seen the damaging effects of materialism in Rome, Italy and in Salt Lake City. Everything from building wells in Oaxaca to teaching English to Italians to painting water damaged building in Louisiana. Only through the grace of God, the support of many of you and again the grace of God have I gotten to do these things.

The Indiana team at Tepeyec Hill

 I was once asked “What is the point of a short term trip? Wouldn’t it be more prudent to take the same money spent on sending 8-12 people to another country and just send the money? Why bother sending the people?”  This question has always bothered me and even at times has discouraged me from going on trips. Why should I ask others to sacrifice so I can go to another country for 10-14 days, get to know people I might never see again and do 1-2 touristy things? I'm sure many of you have wondered the same thing, whether you were the one going or the one doing the supporting.

Working on Olympic decorations!
Well for the first time in my life I have been on the long(er)-term side of the trip and I understand better why short term teams make all the difference.  

This past week we had a team of 7 men and women and 2 girls come from Indiana. They came to help with construction at the church and we even did a special week of English classes (with an Olympic theme)! 

They don't speak the same language at all but
we can still have a fun time together!

This group of people was an incredible blessing to me as well as to the church. They didn't just build a wall, they encouraged, loved and showered every single one of us with their generosity.  To be honest, I would say that building the wall was probably the least significant thing they did. Don't be mistaken, it was needed and was an incredible blessing to our church here in Pachuca. But as I have seen this past week, buildings burn and are no more, storms crash through and destroy everything you ever owned on this earth. But the wrath of nature could never destroy trust, relationships or love. It sounds cheesy but it honestly couldn't be more true. 

Eating ice cream--Mexican style!
With lime juice and chili powder!
When tragedy struck my homeland this week with a dozen wildfires devastating Colorado, and in moments when I simply wanted to be home with my family, this team loved me and made me part of their family. They encouraged me in ways that are difficult to express. They brought energy and rejuvenation to the church in a season which can be difficult. Many people are travelling and life seems to be inconsistent and as a result so does the church. 

At night we held English classes which brought many new people to the church.  Without their help it would have been impossible to have the event we did! More importantly though, they got to know people. They learned names, asked questions, and made people feel loved and welcomed. They prayed with fervor and focus. They cried with those who wept (myself included) and laughed with those who rejoiced. This group demonstrated the global love of Christ and the affects of their short time here in Pachuca will be felt long after they leave. 

Working hard building the wall for the church!
Was it worth it? Was the money worth travelling all of this way to encourage 40 English students and a church of about 50? The truth is as far money goes, you could probably argue no. But ministry isn't money, the church isn't money. Ministry, the's people.  People are what matter. Their spiritual lives and how is God is working, that is what matters.  As soon as you start tagging people with prices you cheapen them. You also cheapen what God can do. 

In an eternal sense, people don't need money, they need love. They need the love of Christ and the freedom that can only be known through the love of Christ. People think they need money because they secretly hope it will suffice for the love they lack. Do people have physical needs? Of course. But money only lasts until you spend it. Love continues to speak into the lives of people until they die. Love, especially Christ's love through the body, transforms lives.

So precious! America and Reagan may not speak the same
language but they still love each other!
Lives were changed this week. And lives will continue to be changed as a result of the hard work and sacrifice of this team. Someday, the wall they built might be torn down but nothing can destroy the work God did in them and through them. Christ's body, and our Christian family is global and growing.   And we need to continue to think, pray, but also GO and ENCORUAGE our brothers and sisters across the globe.

I thank God for the 9 individuals who came this past week. They touched the lives of many and blessed me personally beyond measure. Praise the LORD that he enables us to participate or support short term mission teams. Because they truly make a world of difference.

Eating Pastes! I love it when new friends feel like old friends!
Please pray for the new people who were brought to the church this week. Pray for effective follow-up with them and for the personal Bible studies that could result. Pray for the team that came that they would return safely to Indiana and would implement some of the change they felt this week into their everyday lives.

Also pray for friends you know who are going on short-term trips this summer. They really do make an impact and the Holy Spirit is at work all over the globe!

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