
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bienvenidos (Welcome!)

Bienvenidos a Pachuca!  (Welcome to Pachuca)

I've been hearing this phrase quite often the past few days and it couldn't be more true.  The people of Pachuca have been so wonderful and welcoming and yes, forgiving of my Spanish.  I find that the rapid pace at which the people speak often leaves me in a state of mental paralysis where I can only muster a smile or a simple yes or no.  Which has sufficed so far.

The past few days, I have spent mainly with the Baker family and have gotten to help Barbara around the house a bit and with the kids as well. I've been working on some planning for English classes and making sure all of my ducks are in a row before my life as a méxicana  begins.

Today I got to go with the Bakers to la escuela de natación (swimming school) where Josiah (10) and Abi (7) have their swimming lessons.  Yes, even missionary kids have swim lessons.  On the way back we took the scenic route and I got to see the Centro of Pachuca which is the main plaza and  the city center where most of the shopping is located. Today at the Plaza there was some kind of political rally because the presidential elections are coming up on July 3.

 By far the most striking feature of the city is the color.  Every single building pops with different hues of yellow, orange, blue, green and even pink.  Every sign begs for attention as its colors threaten to dance the words right of the wood. The streets are narrow and the driving is nothing short of chaos as cars flow like rivers from the smaller calles (streets) onto the main avenidas  (avenues). But Pachuca has an energy and a life that is almost palpable. The streets are busy with shoppers and men and women socializing.  It is custom for friends to greet each other with a light handshake and kiss on the cheek.  Everything from the colors of the buildings to the way they greet one another is evidence that there is nothing cold about the typical Mexican.
Neighborhood next to the church at dusk

Although Pachuca is distinctly Mexican, the western and especially American influence is undeniable.  Pachuca is the captial of the state of Hidalgo so it is a large city by any measure. Pachuca has a Walmart (of course), a Chili's, Starbucks, Home Depot, Burger King, McDonald's and I believe I heard  there is even a Krispy Kreme.  I laugh every time I see an American chain here because it is just a gentle reminder that we live in a very small world despite how different ours cultures may be.

I'm looking forward to exploring the city and getting to know the people and the culture better.

     Please continue to pray for my Spanish and give thanks to the LORD that the people here are so forgiving of my lacking skills.
      Pray for my relationships with the members of the Church and especially with the young adult group that I hope to get to know better.
     Pray for continued good health. I haven't had any kind of stomach illness since being here which is wonderful because many often do.

Thank you for all of your prayers because it really does make a world of difference here.


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