
Monday, May 21, 2012

Pre-Trip Terror

I am safely in Mexico! Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! I'm going to backtrack a little and share with you a bit about everything before my trip.

As with any adventure there is a certain amount of preparation and planning and packing etc.  However,  this past week has been a whirlwind of activity and emotion and mixed feelings.  Don't get me wrong,  nothing has lessened my excitement however I have certainly felt my fair share of anxiety about being in a foreign country by myself for two months where I am lucky to understand half of what is being said around me. Thankfully my God is strong when I am stupid and lost and no amount of earthly worry could overcome God's plan for my trip.

The past week I spent at home with my family.  It was wonderful to be with them and feel their love, support and encouragement before I embarked to a foreign land. I also spent a few days preparing my curriculum for the English classes that I will be teaching and training others to teach. 

However, I can honestly say that  I was truly humbled when I saw the generosity of everyone around me.  I am not just talking about financially, although there were moments was I was truly astounded by the support given to me.  I have been infinitely blessed by the notes, letters, facebook messages, and texts that I have received over the past couple of weeks.  There is nothing more humbling than realizing that so many people are praying for me and my ministry in Mexico.

I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support and I will continue to share more specific requests as I become more immersed in the culture. 

Gracias por sus oraciones!
Thank you for your prayers!

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