
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I taught, but they taught me more

I just finished my first children's English class! I count this as entirely separate accomplishment because let's be real, teaching kids is black and white different from teaching adults. It experience. I'm really thankful for how well it went and everyone's excitement to learn. There are few things more gratifying than seeing a student get excited about learning.

We started with the story of Noah's Ark and then we learned the names of some animals, in English of course. I think my favorite part was seeing this quiet little 4-year old girl whisper all of the answers. She knew more than some of the older girls!  

I love the innocence of a child.  They haven't learned yet to dislike new things, different ways of speaking or anything foreign.  They are just curious, they just want to know more.  

  I am so blessed to have this opportunity to teach and serve here.  Not because the people of Mexico are in some kind of dire need for me to teach them.  There are thousands more qualified than me.  But because the life that God breathed into Adam in Genesis 2 can be seen in every single of of these kids.  

I often feel like the people here will bless me more and teach me more about myself and about the love, grace and mercy of Christ than I ever could.  

The love I feel here is truly astounding.  Not only the way they embrace me as a person but also how they help me in ways I didn't know I needed help in.  

I could walk you moment by moment through our English class tonight, but that would miss the point.  God is at work here in Pachuca.  It is a blessing and a huge responsibility at the same time.  

Instead of praying for me, please pray for the bigger picture.  Pray for the spiritual lives of the people in Pachuca, for the Bible churches here (there are few), for the leadership and their integrity as they point people to the truth of Christ and of the cross.

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